ActivAsian | 活跃亚裔 | 액티베이시안 | アクティブアジアン

The Asian community are activated, advocated and represented at community levels across play, active recreation and sport


Welcome to the ActivAsian initiative! Our mission is to inspire, empower, and collaborate with Asian communities through play, active recreation, and sport.

Working closely with regional delivery partners such as Aktive, CLM Community Sport, Harbour Sport, Sport Auckland, and Sport Waitākere, we aim to achieve our goals by focusing on four key areas:

  1. Increase Awareness: We strive to make sporting information more accessible to Asian communities.
  2. Build Capability: We work to improve the capability of community and sports organisations in engaging with Asian communities.
  3. Increase Participation: Our goal is to increase play, active recreation, and sport opportunities to promote participation among Asian communities.
  4. Inclusion in Sport: We advocate for diversity and inclusion within the Sport and Recreation sector for Asian communities.

Sport Auckland's ActivAsian initiative specifically targets Central and East Auckland, aiming to inspire the Asian community to lead healthy, active lifestyles. We collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders who share our purpose and passion for positive change in the well-being of the Asian community.

Thanks to funding from Foundation North and guided by insights into the Asian community, we co-design and support diverse, quality, and safe play, active recreation, and sports experiences tailored to the needs of the Asian community.

Join us in promoting health, wellness, and community engagement through the power of play, recreation, and sport!

Selina Kouch

ActivAsian Community Sport Advisor (East Auckland: Howick, Pakuranga, Botany, and Flat Bush)

Email Selina: ​​​​​​​

Anthony Wong

ActivAsian Community Sport Advisor (Central Auckland)

Email Anthony: ​​​​​​​

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