What is the purpose of play?
Play is one of the four ways we can support our tamariki getting active, alongside physical education, active recreation and sport.
A child’s earliest physical experiences are through play and it’s also where they develop and practice life skills. Play allows children to experience fun, joy and laughter in a way that is important to them.
In the resources below, learn more about our commitment to promoting and advocating on the importance of play for tamariki in New Zealand. See the play principles that help guide our work in partnering and collaborating with others interested in play, and find out how you can encourage play and what to think about when designing spaces for children’s play.
Why Play?
Active play is essential for growth in cognitive, physical, social and emotional deveoplment. It develops fundamental movement skills and knowledge, fosters creativity and innovation, and builds an ability to identify and manage risk. Ensuring tamariki have the time, space and permission to play helps build a healthier and thriving Tāmaki Makaurau. Play contributes not only to children's lives, but also to the wellbeing of their famalies, whanau and wider community.
Contact us:
If you want to know more about play please contact:
Greg Burne